Summer 2024 AA Courses

Registration for Summer 2024 courses are open! The Summer 2024 term begins on June 10, 2024 and runs until July 19, 2024. Be sure to enroll in a course by June 14, 2024, as it is the last day enrollment is open for summer courses. If you have any questions, please contact us at
The courses available for Summer 2024 are listed below:
English + WR (3 credits each)
- ENC 1101 English Composition I + WR
- ENC 1102 English Composition II * + WR
Mathematics + (3 credits each)
- MAC 1105 College Algebra +
- MAC 1114 Trigonometry * +
- MGF 1106 Math for Liberal Arts I +
- STA 2023 Statistics +
Natural Science (4 credits each unless noted)
- BSC 1005C Introduction to Bio & Lab (4 cr.)
- BSC 2011C Principles of Biology II & Lab
- CHM 1020C Introduction to Chemistry & Lab (4 cr.)
- EVR 1001 Environmental Science (4 cr.)
- PHY 1020C Introduction to Physics & Lab (4 cr.)
Humanities + WR (3 credits each)
- HUM 1020 Introduction to Humanities + WR
- MUL 1010 Music Appreciation + WR
- MUL 2380 Jazz & Popular Music + WR
- PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy +WR
History + WR (3 credits each)
- AMH 2010 United States History to 1865 + WR
- AMH 2020 US History from 1865 + WR
Social Science (3 credits each)
- DEP 2004 Human Growth & Development
- ECO 2013 Macroeconomics
- ECO 2023 Microeconomics
- PSY 2012 Introduction to Psychology
- POS 1041 American Federal Government
- SYG 1000 Introduction to Sociology
General Electives (3 credits each)
- ACG 2021 Principles of Financial Accounting
- CGS 1060 Introduction to Computer Technology & Applications
- EDF 2005 Introduction to Education
- EDP 2002 Educational Psychology !
- EME 2040 Introduction to Technology for Educators
- ENT 1000 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- FIN 2100 Personal Finance
- GEB 1011 Introduction to Business
- MAR 2011 Principles of Marketing
- OCE 1001 Introduction to Oceanography
- SLS 1101 College Success
- SPC 1608 Public Speaking + WR
* Course requires prerequisite
WR Course has a writing requirement
+ Course requires a grade of C or higher!
! Course offered in Summer term ONLY